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Age Brings Wisdom, Tech Brings Freedom


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The refrigerator was opened today.

How is Mom doing today?

Currently walked 2,369 steps.


See Family Activities at a Glance for Greater Peace of Mind

How is Mom doing today?

The refrigerator was opened today.

Currently walked 2,369 steps.

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See Family Activities at a Glance
for Greater Peace of Mind

main feature_icon 01.png

Long battery Life

Continuously for 12+ 
months without charging.

main feature_icon 02.png

No Monthly fee

Enjoy the freedom of 
a one-time purchase—No monthly fees, just end less convenience!

main feature_icon 03.png

Easy setup

Install it on your own with ease.
No need for a technician to visit!

Less Hassle, More Freedom

Simplified Independent Living

With Care Active,
Stay Connected, Age in Place with Peace

With Care Active,
Stay Connected, Age in Place with Peace


Where Innovation Meets Practicality

Care Active

A cutting-edge hard-tech startup born in the heart of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Ontario, Canada. Our journey is defined by a fusion of decades of expertise in IoT, Wireless, Cloud, Mobile Software, and ML technology.

main banner a1.png

Age Brings Wisdom, Tech Brings Freedom


main feature_icon 01.png

Long battery Life

Continuously for 12+ 
months without charging.

main feature_icon 02.png

No Monthly fee

Enjoy the freedom of 
a one-time purchase—No monthly fees, just end less convenience!

main feature_icon 03.png

Easy setup

Install it on your own with 
ease. No need for a technician 
to visit!

Less Hassle, More Freedom

Simplified Independent Living

ca-material_Main Page App Screenshot.png

The refrigerator was opened today.

How is Mom doing today?

Currently, Mom has walked 2,369 steps.

See Family Activities at a Glance for Greater Peace of Mind

With Care Active,
Stay Connected, Age in Place with Peace

main feature_icon 01.png

Continuously for 12+ 
months without charging.

Long battery Life

main feature_icon 02.png

Enjoy the freedom of 
a one-time purchase—No monthly fees, just endless 

No Monthly fee

main feature_icon 03.png

Install it on your own with 
ease. No need for a technician 
to visit!

Easy setup

Less Hassle, More Freedom

Independent Living

main banner a1.png

Age Brings Wisdom, Tech Brings Freedom


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Long-time Inactivity Notification & SOS Alert

Watchful, Reliable,
Always There

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Protection Indoors and On-the-Go

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Where Innovation Meets Practicality

Care Active

A cutting-edge hard-tech startup born in the heart of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Ontario, Canada. Our journey is defined by a fusion of decades of expertise in IoT, Wireless, Cloud, Mobile Software, and ML technology.


Long-time Inactivity Notification & SOS Alert

main feature1.png

Watchful, Reliable,
Always There

main feature2.png

Protection Indoors and On-the-Go

main feature3.png

Long-time Inactivity Notification &
SOS Alert

main feature1.png

Watchful, Reliable,
Always There

main feature2.png

Protection Indoors and On-the-Go

main feature3.png

Where Innovation Meets Practicality

Care Active

A cutting-edge hard-tech startup born in the heart of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA), Ontario, Canada. Our journey is defined by a fusion of decades of expertise in IoT, Wireless, Cloud, Mobile Software, and ML technology.

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